Tuesday 21 August 2012

All about ....

Semakin hari sakit aku makin teruk :/ Takthu mcm mana nak pulihkan. hmm ngilu dkat kepala tersa macam ada samurai dicucuk dkat otak then main in out ._.
Tambah pula dengan sekit tekak. Sakit nii takpena kodd ada dulu.
But now rasa mcm haremmmm ._.
Nak bernafas je aku akan batuk tapi aku tahan batuk tu.
Nak tidur lagi susah. yelaa sebab nak tarik nafas tu mmg takboleh sampai rongga.
Confim batuk :( Hm enough lah cerita pasal sakit :)
Aku kan kuat :D Now nak cerita pasal someone.

MFMN. Dia seorg yang baik, menyesal aku buat bangsat dkat dia, susah nak dapat seorang lelaki sebaik dia. Aku dapat tahu yang dia sangat sangat benci dkat aku.
Wow! its not good :'(
I really hope that we can be friend againnnn but ita totally stupid idea.
Dia Blocked aku from twitter, aku unfriend dia at Facebook. Nampak permainan dia?
Harhar :'3
Aku minta maaf sbb aku buat kau mcm apa dulu.
I treated you like a trash.
Im so cruel :"(
But i want you to know that, please dont hate me.
Its hurts me a lot.
But you're just somebody that I used to know.
Dude, Its hard to forget you. Its not about your money, your kindness or what.
But its about I miss you. I want we be friend. Ya its like a dog that died and we keep it right?
But i really want we to be friend. not that this!

For MKH, Im sorry if you're read this. 
I loves you but not with my all heart. I cant love someone 100% because it will hurts me most :'(
But seriously i love you.
Take that note :)

 To MFMN dont ever ever hate me. Pleasee :'/ Nak sangat bfo 5zan balik BP or Perlis, Nike nak jumpa 5zan. Then minta maaf dkat 5zan.
Then after that Nike tak akan sesekali cari 5zan. Skodeng pat Twitter, FB ke.
I hope so that we can meet :')